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Business Records and Information Management as Preparation for e - Discovery Risks

Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management / Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, (P)1598-1487; (E)2671-7247
2016, v.16 no.4, pp.7-30

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The purpose of this study is to suggest the directions for record and information management (RIM) strategies for Korean companies as preparation for e-Discovery risks. It begins with the articulation key concepts and some RIM issues of e-Discovery, which is governed by the U.S. Federal Rules of Civil Procedures. It analyzes three lawsuit cases for which Korean companies were sued by North American companies in order to determine the main reasons behind the defensible disposition failures. Based on the analyses, it suggests the RIM strategic policies for preparing the e-Discovery, including the development of inventories for documents and ESI in their possession, custody, or control; ensuring legal hold programs in good faith; and making defensible retention policies.

business records management, e-Discovery, Federal Rules of Civil Procedures, spoliation of evidence, litigation hold, legal hold, defensible disposition, record retention policies, inventories, retention schedules, Samsung Electronics, Kolon, 기업기록관리, 전자증거개시, 연방민사소송규칙, 증거인멸, 기록정보관리, 처분중지 통지, 방어가능한 처분, 기록보유정책, 인벤토리, 보유일정표, 삼성전자, 코오롱



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Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management