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검색어: 보존, 검색결과: 175
장현종(부산대학교) ; 서지인(부산대학교 대학원 문헌정보학과 기록관리학전공) 2021, Vol.21, No.4, pp.183-200 https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2021.21.4.183

2020년 공공기록물에 관한 법률 개정으로, 기록관에서 보존기간 30년 이상의 장기보존기록물 평가를 실시할 수 있는 근거가 마련되었다. 하지만 법령 개정을 제외한 업무를 수행하기 위한 프로세스에 대한 논의는 전무하였다. 이 연구에서는 실제 업무에 앞서 기록관에서의 장기보존기록물 평가시 고려사항을 확인하고, 적절한 업무 프로세스를 제안하고자 하였다. 국내 기록물 평가제도 현황과 문제점을 파악하기 위해 표준을 통한 문헌분석과 공공기관에서 근무하는 마스터급의 기록물관리전문요원 4명을 대상으로 전문가 심층 면담을 실시하였으며 조사결과를 법규 및 평가기준, 업무절차 범주로 분류하였다. 조사결과를 반영하여 기록관의 장기보존기록물 평가를 위한 업무 프로세스를 재설계하였다. 이 연구에서 제안한 프로세스는 기존 프로세스와 달리 평가이전/평가단계로 구성하였고, 기관 유형별 역할을 명확히 구분하였다는 점에서 차별성을 지닌다.


With the revision of the Public Records Management Act in 2020, it has become possible to appraise long-term records more than 30 years old in the record center. However, there was no discussion on the appraisal process except for the revision of the Public Records Management Act. This study aimed to propose a process for appraisal of long-term records in the record center, focused on the roles and functions of the record center, archives, and central archives. To confirm the status and problems of the records appraisal process, we analyzed record management standards and interviewed 4 archivists who have been working as specialists for over 10 years. Based on the analysis results, the appraisal process for long-term records in the record center was redesigned in consideration of the functions and roles of the record center, archives, and central archives.


본 연구는 보존기록관리기관 웹사이트에서 제공하는 온라인 기록정보콘텐츠의 사례를 분석하고 그 유형과 특징을 정리하여 기록관리기관이 콘텐츠 개발에 참고할 수 있는 시사점을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 선행연구를 통해 온라인 기록정보콘텐츠의 개념을 정의하였으며, 미국과 영국, 호주의 국립기록관과 우리나라의 국가기록원 웹사이트에서 제공하는 온라인 기록정보콘텐츠 사례를 조사하였다. 콘텐츠의 주요 목적과 구조, 콘텐츠와 이용자의 관계에 따라 온라인 기록정보콘텐츠의 유형을 분류하였고, 유형별 및 국가별로 온라인 기록정보콘텐츠가 갖는 구조적․내용적 측면의 특징을 정리하였다.


This article focuses on analyzing the cases of on-line archival contents services of the national archives' web-sites and explaining their types and characteristics. This study defines the concept of on-line archival contents services through literature review. Then, it examines the cases of on-line archival contents provided by web-sites of the USA, the UK, Australian and Korean national archives. The types of on-line archival contents services are classified in accordance with the main purpose of use, the structure, and the way of interaction between contents and users. Lastly, it summarizes their structural and thematic characteristics by type and country.

김민지((주)바이오미스트테크놀로지) ; 이언숙((주)바이오미스트테크놀로지) ; 최영남((주)바이오미스트테크놀로지) ; 최영신((주)바이오미스트테크놀로지) 2015, Vol.15, No.2, pp.165-179 https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2015.15.2.165

역사적 학술적으로 중요한 가치를 가지고 있는 고문서와 기록물들은 현재는 물론 후세에도 주요한 정보자원의 보고로서 대대로 후손에게 물려주어야 할 값진 문화유산이다. 그런 이유로 각종 고문서 등 기록물을 효율적으로 관리하기 위한 보존시설의 표준화와 서고 수장고의 보존환경에 대한 연구가 세계적으로 꾸준히 진행되고 있다. 하지만 기록물의 종이, 접착제, 전분, 섬유 등의 화합물들은 곰팡이나 세균, 해충 등의 영양원으로 생물학적인 피해가 발생할 수밖에 없다. 이러한 생물학적 피해는 기록물 표면과 내부까지 번식하여 변․퇴색을 촉진하거나 갉아 먹어 복구마저 불가능한 경우도 발생하게 된다. 특히 중동의 오만과 말레이시아는 고온 다습한 기후로 인해 기록물이 생물학적 피해를 입기 쉬우며, 한번 피해를 입은 기록물들은 전이속도가 빠르고 광범위하여 소독작업은 일반화 된 실정이다. 하지만 그 동안 소독에 사용해온 MB(메틸브로마이드)와 ETO(에틸렌옥사이드)는 살충효과는 뛰어나나 살균효과는 미미하고, 오존층파괴문제와 1급 발암물질의 유독성문제 그리고 가죽이나 고무재질에 대한 재질약화 초래 등의 복합적인 문제로 친환경 소독방식의 필요성이 대두되었다. 주)바이오미스트 테크놀로지는 1990년대 말부터 몬트리올협정에 따른 기존소독제의 사용금지 및 약제의 유독성으로 인한 작업자의 피해를 예방하기 위하여 질소와 식물추출성분 등을 이용하는 친환경 기록물 소독장비 개발에 성공한 이후 지속적인 성능개선을 통하여 장비의 질적 수준을 제고하였다. 본 실험에 사용한 장비는 대기압 이하로 소독 공간(챔버)을 유지하면서 자체 발생된 질소를 이용하여 챔버를 저 산소 환경으로 만든 후 천연 소독 약제를 챔버 내부에서 급속 기화시켜 소독하는 친환경 훈증소독 방식으로 기록물의 생물학적 피해를 근원적으로 예방하여 보존성 향상에 기여하고, 친환경 및 인체에 안전한 소독장비로서 향후 기록물의 생물학적 피해를 예방하는데 큰 기여를 할 것으로 판단된다.


Archives have historical and academic values. That is why the study of preservation conditions and the environment for the effective management of various records progress. However, materials such as paper and adhesives will inevitably cause biological damages. These damages spread into the inner side of archives, which would make it impossible to recover. For example, archival records from Malaysia and Oman are easily exposed to biological damage because of these countries' hot and humid climate. As such, once records are damaged, disinfection operations are customary in these areas. Methyl bromide (MeBr) and ethylene oxide (EtO) were used in the disinfection process as they showed good insecticidal effect. However their antibacterial effect are negligible. As such, the need for an environmental-friendly fumigator was evident. An environmental-friendly fumigator is designed to improve storage stability. Such equipment is expected to contribute to prevention of damages to cultural heritages through its use of vaporization technology, maintenance of a disinfection space (chamber), and self-generation of nitrogen.


1968년과 1975년의 보존문서정리작업은 국가 비상시 신속한 정부 이동을 위한 행정계획의 일환으로 시행되었으며, 영구보존문서를 재분류하고 최소로 감축하여 후방으로 이동하는 것을 주요 내용으로 하고 있었다. 보존문서정리작업은 1964년에 수립된 국가기록관리체계를 부정하고 정부소산에 편리하도록 기록물 감축을 추진하였다는 특징이 있었다. 그리고 한국정부는 여기에서 그치지 아니하고 영구보존문서의 생성을 구조적으로 감축하는 방향으로 1979년에 국가기록관리체제를 개편하였다.


The Retained documents disposal project, promoted in 1968 and 1975, was executed as part of administrative plans for prompt movement of the government in case of national emergency. It was main contents that archival documents were re-appraised and reduced the least, and then moved rearward. The Retained documents disposal project denied The Records Management System of Korean Government that had been founded in 1964, promoted reduction of documents physically for convenience to dispersion of the government. Korean Government had completed these projects and then reorganized records management system to reduce creation of archival documents systematically in 1979.

이경남(한국외국어대학교) ; 이소연(덕성여자대학교) 2008, Vol.8, No.1, pp.211-234 https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2008.8.1.211

본 연구의 목적은 지속적인 전자기록의 장기적 보존을 위한 전략과 과제를 제안하고자 하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 이 연구에서는 전자기록을 포함하여 전자간행물이나 연구데이터 등을 모두 포함하여, 전반적인 디지털 정보자원의 보존 분야에서 개발된 아젠다 연구 결과를 포괄적으로 수집하여 분석하고, 이로부터 추출한 향후 과제를 법제/정책, 연구, 기술 및 파트너십의 네 가지 영역으로 구분하여 제안하였다.


The present study aims to develop an agenda consisted of strategies for long-term preservation of electronic records with enduring values. To do this, it has collected 19 cases of agenda reports generated from the digital preservation community at large, including those working on electronic publications and research data as well as electronic records. The study draws its conclusion by proposing an agenda encompassing 4 areas: laws and policies; research; technologies; and partnership.



This study investigates the current preservation and management of four records and documentary heritage in Korea that is in the UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. The study analyzes their problems and corresponding solutions in digitizing those world records heritages. This study also reviews additional four documentary books in Korea that are in the wish list to add to UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. This study is organized as the following: Chapter 2 examines the value and meanings of world records and documentary heritage in Korea. The registry requirements and procedures of UNESCO's Memory of the World Register are examined. The currently registered records of Korea include Hunmin-Chongum, the Annals of the Choson Dynasty, the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat (Seungjeongwon Ilgi), and Buljo- Jikji-Simche-Yojeol (vol. Ⅱ). These records heritage's worth and significance are carefully analyzed. For example, Hunmin-Chongum(「訓民正音」) is consisted of unique and systematic letters. Letters were delicately explained with examples in its original manual at the time of letter's creation, which is an unparalleled case in the world documentary history. The Annals of the Choson Dynasty(「朝鮮王朝實錄」) are the most comprehensive historic documents that contain the longest period of time in history. Their truthfulness and reliability in describing history give credits to the annals. The Royal Secretariat Diary (called Seungjeongwon-Ilgi(「承政院日記」)) is the most voluminous primary resources in history, superior to the Annals of Choson Dynasty and Twenty Five Histories in China. Jikji(「直指」) is the oldest existing book published by movable metal print sets in the world. It evidences the beginning of metal printing in the world printing history and is worthy of being as world heritage. The review of the four registered records confirms that they are valuable world documentary heritage that transfers culture of mankind to next generations and should be preserved carefully and safely without deterioration or loss. Chapter 3 investigates the current status of preservation and management of three repositories that store the four registered records in Korea. The repositories include Kyujanggak Archives in Seoul National University, Pusan Records and Information Center of National Records and Archives Service, and Gansong Art Museum. The quality of their preservation and management are excellent in all of three institutions by the following aspects: 1) detailed security measures are close to perfection 2) archiving practices are very careful by using a special stack room in steady temperature and humidity and depositing it in stack or archival box made of paulownia tree and 3) fire prevention, lighting, and fumigation are thoroughly prepared. Chapter 4 summarizes the status quo of digitization projects of records heritage in Korea. The most important issue related to digitization and database construction on Korean records heritage is likely to set up the standardization of digitization processes and facilities. It is urgently necessary to develop comprehensive standard systems for digitization. Two institutions are closely interested in these tasks: 1) the National Records and Archives Service experienced in developing government records management systems; and 2) the Cultural Heritage Administration interested in digitization of Korean old documents. In collaboration of these two institutions, a new standard system will be designed for digitizing records heritage on Korean Studies. Chapter 5 deals with additional Korean records heritage in the wish list for UNESCO's Memory of the World Register, including: 1) Wooden Printing Blocks(經板) of Koryo-Taejangkyong(高麗大藏經) in Haein Temple(海印寺); 2) Dongui-Bogam(「東醫寶鑑」) 3) Samguk-Yusa(「三國遺事」) and 4) Mugujeonggwangdaedaranigyeong(「無垢淨光大다羅尼經」). Their world value and importance are examined as followings. Wooden Printing Blocks of Koryo-Taejangkyong in Haein Temple is the worldly oldest wooden printing block of cannon of Buddhism that still exist and was created over 750 years ago. It needs a special conservation treatment to disinfect germs residing in surface and inside of wooden plates. Otherwise, it may be damaged seriously. For its effective conservation and preservation, we hope that UNESCO and Government will schedule special care and budget and join the list of Memory of the Word Register. Dongui-Bogam is the most comprehensive and well-written medical book in the Korean history, summarizing all medical books in Korea and China from the Ancient Times through the early 17th century and concentrating on Korean herb medicine and prescriptions. It is proved as the best clinical guidebook in the 17th century for doctors and practitioners to easily use. The book was also published in China and Japan in the 18th century and greatly influenced the development of practical clinic and medical research in Asia at that time. This is why Dongui Bogam is in the wish list to register to the Memory of the World. Samguk-Yusa is evaluated as one of the most comprehensive history books and treasure sources in Korea, which illustrates foundations of Korean people and covers histories and cultures of ancient Korean peninsula and nearby countries. The book contains the oldest fixed form verse, called Hyang-Ka(鄕歌), and became the origin of Korean literature. In particular, the section of Gi-ee(紀異篇) describes the historical processes of dynasty transition from the first dynasty Gochosun(古朝鮮) to Goguryeo(高句麗) and illustrates the identity of Korean people from its historical origin. This book is worthy of adding to the Memory of the World Register. Mugujeonggwangdaedaranigyeong is the oldest book printed by wooden type plates, and it is estimated to print in between 706 and 751. It contains several reasons and evidence to be worthy of adding to the list of the Memory of the World. It is the greatest documentary heritage that represents the first wooden printing book that still exists in the world as well as illustrates the history of wooden printing in Korea.



China is a country with a long history. Chinese culture dates back thousands of years ago. Thousand years of history left the huge quantity of archival heritage, which consists of the memory of China. From tied knots, tortoise shell, bronze, bamboo to paper, film, CD, the mankind's history is kept and continued through the evolution of the documenting media and documenting methods. In the information era, when we are immersed in the sea of information technologies, archivists, as guards of human's memory, have to look for a balance point between new and old, between unchanged and changed. On one hand, archivists should try their best to protect traditional archives in a usable, authentic way in a long term; on the other hand, they must face the challenges posed by electronic record. The information age is a stage of the social development of mankind, the digitalization of archives is an important progress of human history. The report mainly is composed of three parts of the content: first, introduce the preserving situation of Chinese archival heritage;focus are put on "China archival heritage program" and the construction of "Special archives repository"; second, the process of digitalization of traditional archives; third, the framework of electronic record standard.

김유승(중앙대학교) ; 김장환(국회도서관) 2013, Vol.13, No.1, pp.81-106 https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2013.13.1.081

본 연구는 국회기록보존소를 중심으로 하는 국회 기록관리기관의 직제와 직무의 문제점을 파악하고 이에 대한 대안을 제시하는 데 목적을 두었다. 이론적 논의로 국회 기록관리 책임 부서의 직제 연혁을 살폈고, ‘영구기록물관리기준 표준운영절차’를 준거로 삼아 영구기록물관리기관의 직무를 파악하였다. 이를 바탕으로 국회기록보존소의 직제 현황을 분석하고, 국회기록보존소 직원을 대상으로 직무 조사를 실시하였다. 직제 영역의 개선방안으로 국회 영구기록물관리기관의 재지정, 국회 소속기관 설치, 헌정기념관의 통합적 운영을 주요 과제로 논하였고, 이를 반영한 조직 개편안을 제시하였다. 직무영역으로는 관리대상 기록물 범주 확대와 기록관리 전문 인력 강화의 필요성을 살폈으며, 앞서 제시한 직제 개편에 맞는 담당별 업무분장을 제안하였다.


The study is aimed at providing alternative strategies for the National Archives Assembly organization and the job. As a theoretical background, it reviewed the history of the National Archives Assembly’s records management organization and analyzed duties of a permanent records management institution based on the “Standard Operating Procedure for Archival Institutions.” Moreover, this study discussed the National Archives Assembly’s current organizational status and surveyed jobs of the National Assembly Archives staff. As a result, for the organization area, it suggested that the National Assembly should reappoint its permanent records management institution, establish records centers, and reassign the management authority on the Memorial Center to the National Archives Assembly. Furthermore, the study provided a reorganization plan. For the job area, it argued a necessity for expanding the job domain and reinforcing professional manpower. In line with this, it provided duties that were customized for the reorganization plan.


체코공화국 국립도서관은 1992년 유네스코의 제안을 받아들여, 소장품에서 가장 귀중한 자료들을 보여주기 위하여, 파일롯 CD-ROM 발행을 준비하기 시작했다. 1993년 4월에 발행된 이 CD는 세계 기록 문화유산 프로그램에 대한 대중적 관심을 불러일으키려는 목적을 갖는 일련의 유사한 유네스코 프로젝트들 가운데 하나였다. 1993년부터 1995년 사이에, 두 가지의 중세 문서를 전부 보여주는 두 개의 간행물들이 출간되었다. 이들은 모든 이미지 문서화와 원본문서의 다양한 특성에 대한 과학적 기술을 제공하였다. 체코 국립도서관의 디지털화센터는 Czech AIP Beroun Company와 협력하여 고문서와 고인쇄본을 전문적으로 처리하고 있다. 현재, 체코 국립도서관은 십여 개의 체코 및 여러 외국 기관들과 협력하고 있다. 두 개의 간행물은 디지털 도서관을 통해 이용할 수 있다.


The beginning of digitization activities in the National Library of the Czech Republic are interconnected with the first periods of existence of the UNESCO Memory of the World programme. It was in 1992 when the library accepted the UNESCO proposal to prepare a pilot CD-ROM publication for the programme showing the most precious items from its collections. In 1993 - 1995, the publication was followed by two another titles, which presented two medieval manuscripts in their entirety, providing both all the image documentation and scientific description of various features of the original documents. The digitization centre specialized in processing of old manuscripts and old printed books in co-operation with the Czech AIP Beroun Company. Nowadays, these two national programmes in which dozens of Czech and also several foreign institutions take part - are represented on their access side by two digital libraries: Manuscriptorium and Kramerius.
